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You are in the Diaspora? We can still help you to set up your charity or foundation.

  1. I am living in Australia

    The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) is the national regulator of charities in Australia and is responsible for registering charities and non-profit organisations under the ACNC Act.
    For more information and guides on how to register your register your non-profit please visit the Australian government website.

  2. I am living in the United Kingdom

    If you are living in the UK and want to “give back” a community or a particular cause as well as general philanthropic initiatives including religious, educational, charitable, and other activities that serve the common good, then the recommended route to go is to set up a Registered Charity under The Charities Act 2006 - which will have added tax and fundraising benefits amongst others. Please visit the UK government website which has all the guides and information from how to pick your trustees right down to making an application to register your charity.

  3. I am living in the United States of America

    The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Code regulates the registration of non-profit organisations being those organisations which provide some sort of public or community benefit not-for-profit. Section 501(c) (3) of the IRS Code classifies various charitable organisations but it is important that you select the correct one. Please visit the IRS Charities and Non-profits section which explains tax exemptions and the IRS Code.
    For more information and guides on how to register your register your non-profit please visit the US government site.

  4. I am living in South Africa

    Non Profit Organisations which include trusts, companies and any associations of people that exist for a public purpose such as NGOs (Non-Government Organisation) , CBOs (Community Based Organisations) and FBOs (Faith Based Organisations) are registered under the Nonprofit Organisations Act , 1997.
    For more information and guides on how to register your register your non-profit please visit this South African government website. If you are in the SA, we can actually help you register. Contact us here

  5. I am living in Zimbabwe

    For more information on how you can set up and grow your giving see our How to Guide